Expansion | 01.19.24

Let’s talk about expansion.

As mothers, we often underestimate one of the most extraordinary God-given powers we possess. I hope to interrupt the ads, propaganda and spam that may be cluttering your inbox to invite you to celebrate one of our most deeply embedded yet overlooked characteristics: our innate propensity for expansion.

The notion of expansion starts at conception, as our wombs expand to nourish the new life we’ve been honored to grow, displacing our organs and loosening our ligaments. Our yonis blossom in a beautifully harmonious and synchronous way to welcome our babies earthside. Our hearts, once thought to be full, surprise us with newfound capacities for love. Motherhood unfurls as a journey of continuous growth – managing the delicate balance of nurturing life, maintaining well-being, and embracing unexpected challenges. At times, we may question how we manage it all, but the answer lies in a force that's been unfolding within us all along: EXPANSION.

So as you are in the midst of the seemingly endless tasks running in the back of your mind, I urge you to pause and reflect on just how much you’ve expanded and celebrate the growth that has yet to come.

We are full of superpowers, sometimes we simply need someone to hold the mirror for us. Keep embracing the often unnoticed hard work of stretching to meet the demands of motherhood.

Until our next celebration.

In light & love,
